Friday, July 10, 2009


Daniel and his three buddies served under a wicked and unholy King, but despite all the king's attempts to make them denounce their faith in the one and true King, they not only refused but survived his attempts to kill them.

The Enemy has not left our team of believers alone. One of my teammates Chi, hands-down the boldest of all our teammates has found herself continuously with diarrhea. Her water bottle leaked open one day and messed up a lot of her personal belongings, including her passport and camera, another teammate began developing pink eye, and another's friends' father passed away, which totally rocked her emotionally.

And as for myself, I started becoming so exhausted, having to wake up early, do some bbl study and group-singing to the King, riding buses, teaching English for three hours, doing sports for another three hours, resetting rooms and moving desks, walking back, eating dinner, plan for the nexy day's curriculum, and walk some more. What makes it even more tough is the fact that Chi is my teaching partner, so once she tapped out it became verrrry exhausting.

Fortunately it's Saturday morning, and we can now sit back and catch our breath. I'm so drained even writing this though... so I might have to end this here. But do know that I am staying afloat ladies and gentlemen! It must seriously be by your pryrs.


  1. unfortunately truly purposeful undertakings to share a great message and a gift are not without challenges. it will be ok.

  2. Hang in there! You are doing a wonderful thing!

  3. MARSHRUTKA rides are the best uncomfortable rides ever!!! :D
