Friday, August 14, 2009

The Video

Monday, August 3, 2009


It is finished.

We grabbed our bags, bid farewell, said Peace Out to the beautiful Manor we stayed in, and managed our 10-hour flights pretty well. I'm sitting at home, outrageously jet-lagged but feeling quite at peace. The kyrgyzstan operation is complete!! The best part is that I feel complete, too. It always feels good when you're able to do everything and say everything and remember to bring home everything you wanted to do on long trips like these. No "what if..."s, no "oh well..."s, no regrets. Either my memory fails me, or I really did everything I wanted to do - everything I was meant to do.

And, of course, one can't help but begin to question, at left-turns like these, what the future holds. Right before this trip I finished all of my classes and finals, graduated from college, said my last words to my college fellowship, locked up and moved out of the apartment I lived in for two years, quit my job, threw my stuff in my room, took off to the airport and flew to Boston. EEEEVERYTHING changed within a matter of weeks!... but God perfectly planned this particular trip at this particular moment so that I might gain a deeper, more intimate perspective of who He is and what I'm to do from this point on - and I do believe I received a lot of clarity. His plans for me seem to just get bigger and bigger. And it shall start with New Day Christian Fellowship, my Dad's church.

I'll really miss Kyrgyzstan. Would I go back? Heck yes!

Anytime soon?

Doubt it.

And that's not because of anything that happened, but only because of what Christ wants to have happen now. I'll really miss my team.. and my Russian and Kyrgyz students... but I really do believe this trip was just a taste of the many other cultural-crossing, english-teaching, mountain-trekking, soul-winning missionary journeys the good Lord will be calling me on. And I'll be ready.

Wherever He shall lead me, I will go.

Hands-down the best way to travel, really.